Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So I'm... Finally back!

Before I explain why I abandoned my blog for so long I need to write a letter to my present self...

"Appearance can be deceitful."
Dear Ms. Lampkin,

     I love you and I miss you living within the present. You don't have to continue recycling old thoughts, stressing about your future, nor do you have to feel guilty about the total woman you are now. Rid yourself completely from acting off of the influence of others. Be very careful with whom and where you lend your time and how you spend your hard earned income. You are special. Not everyone is worthy of your personal attention, affection and time. I know you've felt bad about that, but no more.

     GOD has blessed you with two beautiful daughters whom your influence directly impacts. Focus more on what they need from you versus the world.They're intelligent and respectable young ladies who believe in and love their mom. Embrace that with each passing moment. They're growing up quickly and there's no reversing the chronological order of age.

     You are more than just okay. You're awesome! Make yourself remember that daily by the moment. Time isn't getting ahead of you. Your thoughts are, so slow down and turn all that thinking into action. "We're on information overload," says your brain cells. There's nothing more you need to do to prove to yourself or anyone else how intelligent you are. Overtime you've become a wonderful actress... (giggling to myself).

Remember some of your best roles?
  • Happy mom: You put on your best face most days for your children regardless how you really feel.
  • Caring daughter: You show concern for your mom even though she's your most challenging person to deal with.
  • Sweet niece: You are available to your aunts and uncle when they call upon you and you show up with glee.
  • Fun cousin: You bring the entertainment by simply being you.
  • Best friend: Your inner circle knows you as a rock, someone trustworthy and truly there when needed.
  • Employee: You carry yourself with such professionalism people believe you're in a position of authority and rely upon your due diligence in every area.
  • BPT Editor: You use your education and skills to create awareness and to highlight relevant information to the entire congregation. 
  • Single woman: You stand strong against all odds and can depend on yourself.
  • Inner little girl: You possess a sweet innocence untainted by your adult experiences.
  • Human: You care about ALL mankind and naturally interact well with all cultures. 
Please promise to never again forget who you are and all the greatness within you. Also, be willing to share and open yourself to new interactions and possibilities. You've got precaution down to a science and you don't have to fear or worry about ANYTHING. GOD has you. He always has. You know this, now live and own it!!!

Love Always,

Your True Self