Friday, January 29, 2016

Living & Caring. Loving & Sharing.

Last week, while I was organizing some items I found a white board I had forgotten about. I decided to hang it up on the wall in our hallway, which connects our two bedrooms and bathroom. Initially, I was going to allow my youngest daughter to use it as her personal drawing board.

After observing how my daughters were competing with one another erasing what the other drew and personalizing their stuff with their signatures, I decided "that" the board should be used for a better purpose. A few days ago, I erased the board and wrote the following.

"Do not write on this white board unless you buy your own dry-erase markers or make a contribution towards the purchase of one." I'm so much like my mother. Laughing within.

I told my girls, that they were being wasteful by doodling on the board and if they wanted to continue doing "that" they'll have to furnish their own markers. Come on. I only have two. Yes, I said I. It's mine and I was simply sharing it with them. Seriously.

So, on my youngest daughter's birthday, I took it upon myself to erase my bold statement and created a happy birthday message on the board for her to see as soon she got up "that" morning. Would you know, I had to bring it to her attention first? Apparently, she was on the hunt searching for presents and completely overlooked my sweet and thoughtful art-piece.

I wish that I could post a picture of "it," but due to my lack of self-control the other day with my old iPhone, the picture is irretrievable because it was taken with "that" phone. Dang "it."

The morning after my daughter's birthday she erased my birthday message and drew her own thank you message. A complete disregard to my new rule, but what monster would enforce such upon a kind-thinking 10-year old? So, I let it be, but then of course my eldest had "something" to say about "it."

I came up with a better solution for the white board display in our home. I told my daughters, that we should be posting uplifting quotes & statements on "it." Some "thing" we can all read and appreciate; possibly carry with us throughout our day and perhaps, share with others. My eldest took the lead the same night I had my meltdown and decided to write out a positive quote referencing how we have the freedom to choose between being a prisoner of our pasts or be pioneers of our future.

I told her I had heard "that" quote before and she tried to take credit, but it's still a great start because it kept me thinking. Positively. The next day my youngest posted her own quote suggesting that we do something to help someone. We have a little momentum building with "this." I posted my own quote last night as today's statement. See below.

Reasoning to think better, live better and be a better example for my children and others.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

More. Less!

I missed blogging yesterday. It's on my mind now "to do" so.
So here "I am." 

For a brief moment. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Am. Just Fine.

I am referring to more than just my appearance. Laughing out loud, but seriously, I know I'm ok. Just as I am. I feel so much closer to the spirit of my youth. The little girl who was full of energy, so very confident, mentally/physically strong, and enthusiastic about life in general. Far from "that" child now, but my character traits remain. Therefore, today I am better.

Tomorrow, I'm claiming excellence in advance.

I'm reminded of the soul GOD blessed me with and I feel great about "it."

Monday, January 25, 2016

And So. I Thought.

I had what I was going to blog about all planned out. I mean, I've been thinking about "it" all day and even over the weekend, but oh! How a single moment can change anything. My mood this evening went from a happy yellow to a raging red.


I'm still sorting through my thoughts about "it." On my way home from work I stopped at the grocery store to get a few "things." When I finished paying for my groceries, I felt my cellphone vibrating in my pocket. My first thought was, that it must be my eldest daughter calling to ask me to pick her up so I made every effort to grab my phone and answer her call, but I couldn't.

Why not?

Well, when I looked at my phone as it vibrated continuously, the screen was dark. As if my battery had died or something. I know that I should've upgraded my phone within the past two-years at least, but I made the decision that I was going to use it until it became unuseable. Whatever the problem was causing my phone to vibrate was so persistent (extremely annoying), that it just vibrated all the way home, as I walked into the house (gladly, my daughter was there already), and kept on as began to try to get situated after coming in from a full work day. "This" was so distracting to say the least, but I'll share more...

I lost my cool. I wanted to destroy my phone because I was so frustrated with the vibrating noise and the fact, that I couldn't gain access into "it." Before I went off on my iPhone 4 (yes, it's 5-years old), I attempted to fix it by plugging it into the charger; that didn't work. I then asked my daughter how to remove the sim card, which she showed me and I got it out, but the bleepity-bleep phone was still vibrating. At "this" point I wanted to fight "it."


Ok, I'll admit "it." I've got some unchecked anger rooted in my upbringing, some personal setbacks, my status as a "babymama" (double-time), my economic struggle, not having control of my own time, lack of passion for the "things" that used to contribute towards my daily cheerfulness, feeling overwhelmed about all my responsibilities, and not being able to say exactly how I feel to some people for the sake of "saving face and keeping the peace."

Sometimes, we break ("things"). Tonight, I broke my phone. I am somehow, now able to write peacefully about "it," but my children were puzzled about witnessing my tantrum and asked if I'd "be ok." I assured them I would be, but I needed to get through "that" personal moment of despair. I wallowed in "it" for about 45 minutes, fussing about how upset I was at the phone and how "it" was messing up my night.

How did I give that piece of junk so much power over my mood?

I'm not sure, but I do know, that I was very immature with how I handled my frustration over a device. Needless to say, I'm not so into my phone "that" I can't live without "it." However, I'm a mother, I have a job, and folks that are concerned and care enough about me to call and/or text me.

How can they now?

They can still leave a voicemail message, but I won't know until I check. I'll no longer be alerted instantly. I'll miss texting.Yes, I'll replace the phone probably very soon, but I didn't have to make it an urgent matter.

Did I?

No, now "that" I'm thinking (instead of feeling so mad) it probably would've vibrated itself completely out of charge. Then maybe, just maybe, but I guess I'll never know now (silly-foolish me... not laughing, but smirking at myself). I could've recharged "it" and perhaps, it would've been fine. Now, I'm hoping, just hoping, that AT&T has magical powers to retrieve my data, which is now hammered into the deepest inside parts of the device, literally. Wouldn't believe, that I formerly kept "that" phone in tip-top condition and it still appeared new outside of the protective case.

What to do?

Admit my error: Done. Reckon with myself and move on: Currently in effect.

I'm no longer afraid to share my failures as my willingness "to do" so, helps me to better accept and consider my choices moving forward. I completely failed myself in the department of self-control tonight, but I also recovered. Totally, right here in "this" sacred space in time for me. Thank GOD!!!

How am I now? 

Still blessed and highly favored. Next!

One moment, each day at a time is the best way for me to find balance within myself and others.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fabulous Friday in Los Angeles!

Isn't it? 

We lived to see the ending of "this" week and surely, have accomplished some "things." 

Consider how many others who haven't... 

Count your blessings and enjoy the weekend! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Two Days. Bye Nine.

"This" is the last Thursday, that my youngest daughter will be 9-years old. I remember when I found out that I was pregnant with her. I had just completed my Broadcast Journalism and Radio Production certification courses at Pasadena City College. Another unplanned pregnancy and I had no interest in becoming more serious with her father.

Why not? Don't be nosey!

Out of respect for my children, I will not publish anything negative about their fathers. Yes, "that's" plural. I have two children by two different men, that I never married. So what. I'm not the first mother with this background and I won't be the last.

Judge me, not. Only GOD!!!

My eldest was beyond excited to become a big sister. She yearned for a little sister and blessedly, her wishes came true. My little family of two grew to three on January 23, 2006. I must admit, their relationship is nothing like I imagined it'd be.

Each share my personality, but to the extreme in some areas with one not speaking out enough and the other talks a lot... Very much. One is quite stingy and the other is a bit too generous. They're both beautiful, intelligent and talented. Like me. ;)

With a 7 1/2-year age gap, we've faced our share of challenges, even though we've been a household full of estrogen. It's been difficult scheduling family outings and deciding where to go, because my daughter's preferences and levels of understanding, land on separate moons. I know, that they love one another, but they don't regularly exercise much patience towards each other and too often, I find myself playing referee between them.

One wants to do "this" and the other wants to do "that." One is too mature for "this" and the other too young for "that." One wants to bring a friend along because her sister brought a friend the last time. Oh, it goes on and on... Let's just be reminded, that girl's are really something else; never satisfied. 

So now, that my eldest will soon be an adult and on her way to college, my youngest will have the opportunity to have me totally at home. She yearns for more one on one time with me and when it's just the two of us, I'm more attentive to her needs. As one could expect.

My youngest has been eyeing her first double-digit birthday since she was 5-years old. She's only grown more anxious about it over the passing years because I told her the next birthday party she'd have, would be when she reached ten. So here we are, finally. 

"This" year, beyond her birthday a big change will come. Still, a family of three we'll remain, however, it'll be just she and I in our household when she begins the 5th grade once summer's over. "Things" will become quite different. I'm looking forward to it because as a single parent with two children, it's challenging balancing fairly between them.

The little one will soon get to experience what it feels like to be an only child within our household. I know that I shouldn't, but I've felt guilty about not being able to provide them both with everything they want and deserve. I've done my best thus far acting as a fair parent, but I haven't been in the position financially, to do a lot of the "things" my eldest experienced having me one on one for the first 7 years of her life.

So... On behalf of my youngest daughter, goodbye 9. Welcome 10. It's time for the little one to get her's in!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Still Writing. It's Wednesday!!!

How lovely it is to return here on my favorite day of the week: Wednesday. I can feel the momentum building deeply within me as I get into a new rhythm expressing myself in words. Writing is one of my gifts. One, I've been aware of most of my life, but do I love it?

Well, I do. Although, my former actions haven't really demonstrated a passion for it. Being shamefully-honest, I haven't really demonstrated a true passion for anything consistently, other than proving my righteousness when I'm being challenged or when I'm exerting physical energy.

I was reminded by a recent situation where my eldest daughter and I weren't seeing eye to eye, that my desire to be right and to win can cause more hurt than help in some instances. I had so much to say and so did she.

In our communicative manner addressing the problem, we both knew, that it wasn't helping us come to any resolve during our disagreement. It wasn't until we exchanged some pretty descriptive emails over the following days when I realized, that my daughter had said a whole lot more than I actually heard, while in the heat of our dispute.

As my eldest daughter finishes high school and becomes a legal adult just 5-months from now, there are levels of maturity, that I find necessary to exercise. We both can't be brats, while trying to work through challenges together. Yes, she's almost an adult, but she'll have to experience life as an adult before she can really see life through my lens. Stepping into battles about what life is with my teenage daughter is foolish on my part.

So, I've learned!

To demonstrate is much better than any explanation alone. Blessed with the gift of gab, I can speak to no end about what I feel is right, omitting no details. I've discovered, that a percentage of what I say just will not be remembered. By myself or the listener. I want my words and messages to stick; to remain as Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) in people, that I speak to. Especially, when I'm talking with my daughters.

It is better, that I write out what I want remembered. The impact of revisiting what I've written prior, is just as effective and personally touching as it was when those words were only thoughts present in my mind. It's a real treasure to reread where I've been, to reminisce on past experiences, and to be reminded about the challenging situations I've overcome.

I have begun the change with the woman in the mirror; being me.

May my Heavenly Father continue to further develop and shape me as a leader in "this" life's journey as I take action "to do" more than just talk about it!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

About Time! To Revisit.

Before I begin, I'm not allowing myself to think about how long it's been since I posted here. I'm here to remind myself what a great space I've created to organize my thoughts and to express them in the most positive way I'm capable of. In short, I need to be present here.

Right now!

So here I am. Each of my senses are in full tact with my determination to push past procrastination and to show up where I plan to. Baby steps work well and "this" particular moment is only a small fraction of my time today.

Everyday, actually!

I'm renaming today to Timely Tuesday. "This" will be my personal day of true structure. I wasn't born to do 7-days of structure and "that" is just a fact.

With each breath, through every passing moment, while I can I shall and gladly! Blessed beyond measure. I truly am.

I thank you LORD!!!