Monday, January 2, 2012

"Happy Thank You. More Please."

I saw a really great movie during the wee-hours this morning. I'm not a big moviegoer nor do I watch much  television so the story line has to be intriguing enough to keep my attention. When the movie began I wasn't sure if I really wanted to watch it, but I never changed the channel.

This movie delivered a meaningful message about LOVE. It demonstrated some of the different ways, that LOVE presents itself, how it's identified, reciprocated, what "it" looks like, and so on. What I appreciated most is how the characters were positioned in scenarios where they could easily be judged as  irrational/irresponsible adults, based upon the choices they made under abnormal circumstances. 

How am I able to relate? 

I believe, that LOVE "can" seem crazy. I believe, that we sometimes try to rationalize our experiences/encounters to the best of our abilities and sometimes completely ignore what we honestly feel. Josh Radnor, the director and writer of "Happythankyoumoreplease" did an excellent job showcasing "this" reality. (Click title for movie details)

Being open-minded about LOVE and sharing a willingness to exercise responsibility with it is what makes it everlasting. 

The above statement is why I'm still single. I haven't been very open-minded about LOVE (although this IS changing). I've chosen adventures with some very irresponsible men and in some situations, I was the one who behaved immaturely.

I'm just now reaching a point where I "can" admit to someone, that "I'm happy. Thank you. More Please." I truly also believe, that open communication about personal feelings, desires and concerns, is necessary for any relationship to thrive.

We are accountable for our actions and more so, in/with the act/expression of LOVE. 

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