Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's Time. Let's Roll.

A dear friend of mine came to assist me today. I asked for his help last week and he gladly obliged. Real friends are great and there when needed.

I was concerned that I might be asking for too much, but I asked anyway. He even followed up with me assuring his availability for today. How great is that? Awesome.

The way he goes about his daily duties is professional and serious. If he says he'll do something, he will. I remember when we were attending Pasadena City College (PCC) how clean and crisp his appearance was when he was in class. I used to think to myself, "we're just at school man, why so dapper?" Laughing out loud...

Perhaps, his "presentation of self" then is the very reason why he's attracted some career opportunities. Since our days at PCC together, he's established his own business and is actively working in the field of video production. I find it pretty amazing that I stayed and graduated from PCC and am still seeking career opportunities when he simply believed in himself, left school and got busy.

Seriously busy. He now has a portfolio of hands-on experience and a small network of industry professionals. His work has been recommended by previous clients and he's now ready to take his business to the next level.

I can help. I don't think I realized how much I can help until our discussion today. He has the product/service and skilled experience. I have institutional knowledge and extensive customer service skills. We have some incredible trading opportunities on the table.

Because we're friends, we sincerely want to help one another. I've known for a while now, that I haven't been putting my talents/skills to full use. I'm really ready now. Especially having a friend like Jody Jackson in my life as an example.

He knew exactly why he went to PCC. When he got what he needed, he put "it" to good use. Immediately. He took some chances, had some falls, but the fact remains today: He's still standing and gradually climbing the "ladder of success" in the direction, that he wants to go!

I see why I've been moving in circles and not straight forward. I've been a punk and I don't mean rock & roll. Fear of the unknown has handicapped me. There's been way too much, that I haven't even tried. I can ONLY THANK GOD that I am not permanently disabled by "fear of the unknown."

It's time world. Let's roll!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Andrea. Sometimes I wonder if you realize how much I appreciate you.
