Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Acquaint Yourself. Be Nice.

Last night, my GODsister and I went out on the town again following laughs. Literally. We went to see "Screw the Rules Comedy Show" at Buffalo Wildbills. Can I just say that we absolutely love our new found friendly comedians/comediennes?! Yes, I said it.

It feels like we've known them for a while now, and we just became acquainted less than one month ago. Yes, I'm correct. Less than one month ago. Our first comedy spectating adventure happened on Oct. 5th. Time really does go by quickly when you're enjoying yourself.

How many times have you chosen to be nonsocial?

I'm a sourpuss more than I care to admit, but I'm also very friendly when I want to be.

What makes me want to be friendly? Usually, pure vibe. Sometimes, I just feel the need to go the extra mile with being kind (it's the GOD in me). Others, the interaction might be beneficial for both or either party somehow.

We made it to the show on time! My time management is under construction. The place was crowded and at first glance, it appeared that there wasn't anywhere to sit. I had just said to my GODsister (before we walked in) that I didn't want for us to have to stand and that we should be cool because we were on time (5+ minutes early).

When we walked through the bar area looking for a seat there were people sitting at every table. I thought to myself "we need to make friends with someone." We passed by a woman at a table alone and I just know she felt my vibe. I got the impression that she was happy all on her own. No warmth or inviting energy there.

Two tables down I noticed a nice looking man at a table alone and I approached him. I asked were the 2 stools beside him available and he answered yes. I could tell immediately that he was a cool guy and I asked if we could join him at his table. He welcomed us.

After introducing ourselves we conversed for a couple of hours and warmed up some laughs of our own before the show even started. I don't think any of us predicted this moment for the night. He even offered us drinks. Wasn't that extra special and nice? I'll say.

From the wrong perspective, one might think... "the nerve" and say that we invaded his space, but who's talking about anything wrong here? I'm not. The night was ALL right!

Thank you for your companionship and being so nice Cecil! So very nice to meet you. :)

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