Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chances. Take Some!

Could I be ready to take some BIGGER chances now? Absolutely!

Being the natural risk-taker and adventurist that I am, I take chances that some of those closest to me will never understand. My rationale in many areas makes sense to others most of the time, but often my perspective or my way of "doing things" can seem irrational to some.

Who cares? I surely don't when I've come to a conclusion about a decision that I've chosen to stand by.

Making a decision can be the most challenging "thing" to do for the best of us. One can never tell if they've made the "right" decision or not, without making one at all. Fence straddling is a job for birds.

Avoiding some "things" can be an easy task. I do it all the time. I tend to stay away from what I don't like. That includes people, places and things. The problem with this: Over time, I'm learning that I really do like some aspect of these "people, places and things" that I've trained myself to stay away from. Some lessons currently taking place in my life are how well I tolerate unpleasant experiences and circumstances. I can't run and/or hide from any/everything...

I like onions and blueberries too. Not together (don't be silly), but I've just come to this realization in recent years after taking a chance one day and trying each. I do have particular preferences when using these ingredients to prepare a snack/meal and I make selective choices with my mode of consumption.  I suppose my tastebuds are maturing as well...

It's funny how some of what I dislike and manage to endure beyond dissatisfaction -turns into a love for something...

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