Friday, November 4, 2011

Be Responsible. It Helps.

It's funny that my focus today is about responsibility when I ran out of gas last night...

I didn't plan on getting out last night, but I did once again and I don't regret a thing! My gas light had been on earlier in the day and I knew that I had just enough in the tank to wait until morning. Now when I decided to go out I was in a hurry (as usual) and so excited to get to the destination that I completly disregarded taking care of business beforehand.

Thank GOD that I persuaded my GODsister to come out with me at the last minute. I almost went solo, but something kept telling me not to go it alone. So glad that I listened. As long as I waited for her to get ready, I could've gotten the gas in the meantime.

Okay, I'm guilty. I've run out of gas with every vehicle I've owned. Each time, I had money on me to purchase gas. I push beyond the limit with my pursuit of "not being so late," that I've ended up being even later or stuck in the middle of traffic with a dead car afterwards. You'd think I would've learned my lesson by now...

Well, I have (kind of). I have learned some valuable lessons from this experience. I'll never own and drive a vehicle without AAA roadside coverage. I consider beforehand how I'll get help if I do run out of gas, which keeps me from panicking when it happens. When I'm out late at night, if the gas is low I usually don't travel a far enough distance to be concerned with it.

Fortunately, I listened to that little voice instructing me to bring my GODsister out with me. I just might've made the same decision to just get there and worry about it later. This is a pattern that I have to monitor carefully in my life. Yes, procrastination is what we call this. Why do it?

I ask myself this all the time. I am improving in many areas, but in the area of safety and simple common sense I need some fine tuning. The only reason that I'm not embarrassed by my actions is because I knew subconsciously that it was highly likely to happen. I felt prepared enough to handle the circumstance.

Am I really giving myself credit for this? Self-check. 

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