Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Growing Old. Together.

Today, I cleaned at my aunt's house for our family's Thanksgiving dinner that we'll be having there. It was actually her sister (my other aunt) who called me last week to see if I might be available to help. She also wanted to inform me that everyone would be bringing a dish from home and to let me know whose home we'll be dining at this year.

We all usually gather at my mother's house for Thanksgiving, but my aunt's husband has been ill and traveling away from home for too long, is too risky for his health during this time. I found it interesting that my aunt who needed the help, didn't call to ask for my assistance herself. Probably because one of my recent horoscopes predicted that a family member who was in great need of help was too prideful to ask so I should reach out.

I knew exactly who this prediction was pointing towards. My Aunt Tootsie. She never calls and asks me for anything, but I can only imagine how full her plate is caring for my Uncle Al who's more than 20-years her senior. She's so sweet and doesn't complain about anything. You can hear the smile in her voice through the telephone and you're certain to see that smile when you meet her.

Her sister, my Aunt Babysister doesn't (really) ask me for anything either. Neither of them have any children. Their brother, my Uncle Bill has one daughter, my older cousin. She and I, are the next generation on my mother's side of the family. This side of the family is quite small and they're all over 60-years old.

Thankfully, with the exception of Uncle Al, they're all still self sufficient and healthy enough to continue working. Aunt Tootsie is unable to work because she provides around the clock care for her husband. I was at her and Uncle Al's house for only 7 hours and I observed some things that helped me understand what unconditional love is.

Shamefully, I don't know exactly how long Uncle Al and Aunt Tootsie have been married, but I know they've been married as long as I've been alive and I'm almost 34-years old. They were and still are the shining example of a loving couple in my eyes.

Uncle Al must've lived his life as righteously as he could've and treated my Aunt Tootsie with tender care and respect. I say this because what I witnessed today, was not a depressed and overburdened woman, but a woman who is cherishing every moment and every opportunity that she has to make/keep her ailing husband at peace/comfortable.

As I cleaned, I thought to myself "she's needed some help for a while." This made me want to do more than just good. I went hard. She was modest about the tasks she wanted my help with so I took the lead and made it a point to impress her. Now that I think about it, I should probably tell her how impressed I am with her display of LOVE. Not only for her husband, but for everyone in our family and those that she comes into contact with. I will tell her!

My cousin is out of town visiting with her mother and burying her grandmother so the responsibility is granted to me. I accept. I can't complain. I have an able mind and an able body to serve where I am needed within my family. GOD willing, one day it'll be my turn. I'll be an elderly woman who'll need some help of some kind. I hope that my own righteous ways lead me to become worthy of such honor when I grow older.

I was really glad to be there with them today. The cleaning was no problem at all. I saw LOVE at work today and in action without friction. Uncle Al knows he's in good hands with his wife and I believe that's providing a higher quality of life for him as he ages. Aunt Tootsie is appreciative of her husband and she's using every second of each day to express that love without complaining about the responsibilities that come with the territory.

LOVE is real. LOVE is kind. LOVE is patient. LOVE is everlasting. GOD IS LOVE!!!  

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